Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Best of 2006

The Holidays are approaching quickly and a new year is about to greet us. I thought it would be a good time to review some of the posts I hope you read this year.

Long Term Healthcare Insurance.

Maybe you or your children have visited a nursing home this Holiday season to spread some Christmas cheer. Maybe you will visit a relative who is confined to a long term care facility. Here are a couple of articles that deal with protecting your family and your assets from the high cost of Long term healthcare.

Estate Planning

Passing your assets to your heirs with little expense or delay is high on most family's list. Here you can read about Transfer on Death accounts that can avoid the delay of probate. Choosing you heirs and how to protect the heirs of your heirs using the per stirpes designation on IRA, pension plan, and insurance beneficiary forms and how these forms create the Estate Plan for Your IRA, and here we cover naming a trust as a beneficiary for your IRA. Providing for continuity should you become unable to manage your investments or manage your affairs is a must for all of us. Learn about the Durable Power Of Attorney and how it can protect you and your family. Finally, learn why high net worth families should be using a Tax Credit Trust to lower or eliminate their federal estate tax liability.

Saving For College

The Pension Protection Act made the tax free status of qualified distributions from 529 college savings accounts permanent. Here you can learn about the SC Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan.

Investment Concepts

Some ideas that can help you be a better investor include Reversion To The Mean, Rebalancing Act, and understanding how our behavior and psychology can lead to investment mistakes.

I wish you and your family a safe and joyous Holiday Season and a profitable 2007.

Photograph by Ladyheart at Morguefile.com


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